campaign 2010: Victoria 10F, what is yours???
Yesterday at 8:39am
Reclaiming the lost members of society, our Kids back

The public believes that children should be kept in their homes as long as they are safe. People believe strongly that agencies must do a thorough investigation of each case to determine if alleged child abuse and neglect warrant action.

Most people know very little about children's services unless they or a close family member or friend has had some direct experience with the child social system.

The Fact is that chidren from vulnerable, inocent parents are being removed arbitrarily from their parents, friends and relatives, most of them going into forced adoptions. These children have dondone nothing wrong yet, they are heavely penalized by being removed abruptedly from teir parents, specially from their mothers, in some instances whist breastfeeding.

To create awareness in 2010 I propose to all of you, your friends and relatives the following:

To write the name of your child, age and sex onyour update status, and if you have to post a photo: " Victoria,10 F " as an example and to write this as reference in every e mail or post that you send and try to send as many as you can and are able to, requesting your own friends and relatives to use the same reference. Mine wiil be... Victoria, 10F what is yours?.

We will launch this campaign over facebook next January 17th 2010 . that will give you a full week for everyone to read and pass over this message.

Pls start sending e maiils asking for support,

Once we start this on facebook I will send details of our "march in March"

carmen c.semaski

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