Hello Alison
Thanks to the people who replied to my last email.
First, please can anyone supply me with literature that explains what a
CO, ICO, Residence Order, Reg 38 Carer and all the other similar
things that I've encountered in Councils' fostering literature, are?
Second, - Alison, - Denbighshire and Gwynedd Councils have Residence
Order Allowances. Denbighshire's rates are equivalent to its basic
fostering rates, - minus Child Benefit. Gwynedd's are lower than its
fostering rates, but equivalent to its Adoption Allowances, minus Child
Benefit. Gwynedd is working on enabling children's relatives to
become foster parents. It is the only County I've heard from to date
to volunteer information about its Adoption Allowances, and about its
Cynnal, (support), Scheme Allowances for children's relatives. These
are lower than Residential/Adoption Allowances.
Third, - re Councils being uninterested in financial + other problems
faced by relatives caring for children. Reading the literature
about fostering sent to me by a few Councils, (Wirral sent 35 pages.
In contrast Merthyr Tydfil refused to supply any unless I identified
myself), its extremely obvious that the fostering system is an
experiment in Social Engineering! Literature reminded me of the
Stepford Wives.
Avril (Williams)
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