Yes a huge amount of training is needed with relation to Human Rights, and also basic common sense.
How can a Social Worker disregard Psychologists reports?, stating that a child’s bizarre behavior was put down to poor parenting skills, and not autism.when diagnosed by CAMBS as well as a senior Psychologist.
How can a Social Worker state that she will find out how an unexplained fracture occurred, pertaining to be a Police officer? but this is what they do every day of the week.
They disregard Public law Guidelines on a daily basis, 25 years after Cleveland, and the recommendations made by Dame Butler-Sloss, and PAIN winning the rights for parents to attend child protection case conferences in 1992, we hear of cases where parents have not been invited to such meetings, a blatant disregard to follow basic guidelines.
This topic should be a part of student Social Workers training.
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