It was of Great sadness Last Week that i heard of the death of my Good Friend Peter Beaman , Pete.

Pete was a Psychologist and a past President of the Association of Technical Staff in Psychology at Loughborough  University Leicestershire.

Pete was always interested in helping Parents Against Injustice and assisted with research into Prof Dennis Howitt Book, CHILD ABUSE ERRORS WHEN GOOD INTENTIONS GO WRONG.

Dennis Howitt contacted me in early 1999, stated that he was a good friend of Peter Beaman, and was interested in the theory of how Social Services took Children into Care wrongly.

Mr Howitt spoke to at least 10 parents of how and why They stated that Their Children had been taken into care.

As well as Case histories Dennis researched various topics which include .

1, The long history of professional error in child abuse.

2, Gathering facts.

3, Pseudo science?

4,, Enlarging the net,

5,Abuse and the nature of sexuality.

6, Theories of error.

7, Battering Families,

My case was included in the book, regarding My Son who was 3 at the time, He jumped from the bath and landed awkwardly, he couldn't weight bear on his right leg and was crying.

We took him to casualty at Leicester Royal Infirmary.

It was determined that he had a spiral fracture of the right tibia, he was taken on a place of safety order at the time, and placed into foster care for 12 weeks.

A Paediatric Radiologist in the end stated that the fracture could of been caused accidentally, so S was returned home.

At the time he had a spiral fracture but there was no bruising or swelling and without trauma to any part of his right leg, which is a symptom of Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Brittle Bone Disease, S, also had blue sclera to the whites of his eyes,and was very small in stature, all classical symptoms of brittle bone disease.

Within six S was diagnosed with Brittle Bone Disease after being seen by a Consultant bone specialist supplied by Sue Amphlett former Director of Parents Against Injustice.

I dedicate this Book to Pete Beaman, who tragically died in August..

Pete was also photographer at our Wedding.

The book can be bought via AMAZON.

My deepest sympathy to Peter Beaman Wife Sandra and Family, RIP PETER.

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