Children at risk of abuse 'because too few doctors' Royal College warns

Children at risk of abuse 'because too few doctors' Royal College warns

Children are being left at risk of abuse because doctors are spread too thinly with some supposed to cover more than 200,000 youngsters, it has been warned.

Children at risk of abuse 'because too few doctors' Royal College warns
The survey found that three quarters of named professionals did not have enough time to do their role and just over one in ten thought the NHS reforms would improve child protection.  Photo: ALAMY
Rebecca Smith

By , Medical Editor

Doctors in charge of child protection in their areas do not have adequate training or time to do the job properly and there is a risk that children will fall through the gaps, The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health said.

Urgent action is needed to make sure that child protection is not an 'afterthought' in the reforms of the NHS and proper guidelines are drawn up, a report said.

The College warned that doctors who have responsibility for coordinating child protection said current resources were 'spread too thinly'.

A survey of 59 designated paediatricians with responsibility for child protection, known as named professionals, revealed that one doctor was expected to cover a population of 200,000 children with no allotted time for the role.

The doctors have responsibility for providing advice on child abuse, neglect and maltreatment to all the health organisations in their areas.

The report said: "It is clear that doctors do not feel adequately trained or resourced to effectively safeguard children, potentially putting children’s lives at risk."

The survey found that three quarters of named professionals did not have enough time to do their role and just over one in ten thought the NHS reforms would improve child protection.

The report said: "Professionals were concerned that a lack of clarity about the nature and structure of the health reforms may allow vulnerable services and patients to slip through gaps and that the provision of continuity of care is vital.

"There is 'extreme doubt as to who is responsible for what' and the health reforms are 'yet another challenge in an already busy job'."

Dr Amanda Thomas, Child Protection Officer at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said: “There are clearly serious concerns amongst doctors about the future of safeguarding – in particular about their ability to fulfil their duties due to lack of time, training and resources.

“In order to protect children, it is crucial that safeguarding is not seen as an afterthought, but instead a central part of our health service.

“That’s why we want to see the Government’s forthcoming statutory guidance, Working Together to Safeguard Children, make it absolutely clear what the responsibilities and accountabilities of agencies and professionals involved in the system are and that the new safeguarding arrangements in the NHS are communicated clearly and quickly.

"We also want to see the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence develop a quality standard for safeguarding to drive up standards.”

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