Parents Against Injustice
10:13AM GMT 23 Feb 2012
The farcical situation was brought to light by Education Secretary Michael Gove as he announced swifter, simpler and more flexible rules for adoption.
Under the new rules councils will be banned from preventing children being adopted by parents of a different ethnic background and using minor issues such as pets to discriminate.
Mr Gove, who was adopted at four months, was critical of councils that have refused or delayed adoptions because parents were smokers or kept animals or - in one case - needed a kettle with a shorter flex to comply with safety rules.
Social workers will also be told they must be open to applications to adopt from homosexual couples and single people.
The education secretary said it was ''disgraceful'' that black children are three times less likely to be adopted from care than white ones and ''outrageous'' for them to be denied a loving home because of a ''misguided'' belief that race is the most important factor in considering potential adoptive parents.
Gove: adoption transformed my life
23 Feb 2012The child’s interests must always come first
06 Feb 2012 Michael Gove was adopted at four months old
In a speech in London, Mr Gove made clear that he wants dramatic changes to ''radically'' increase the supply of adoptive parents and reduce the length of time children stay in care.
''We are determined that adoption should happen more often and should happen more speedily,'' said the Education Secretary.
''By changing our attitude towards adoption, reducing the unnecessary bureaucracy of the assessment process and freeing up professionals to rely on their own judgment, I feel confident that we will be able to create a more efficient and effective adoption system.
''I will not settle for a modest, temporary uplift in adoption numbers, nor a short-lived acceleration in the process. Nothing less than a significant and sustained improvement will do.
''The most neglected, the most abused, the most damaged children in our care deserve nothing less.''
Gove said he was "angered" by statistics showing adoptions have fallen by 17% in England to just 3,050 over the last decade, with only 2% finding new homes before the age of one and the average adoption taking two-and-a-half years.
He blamed "bloated" assessment procedures which exclude too many parents and dishearten many others.
"We need radically to increase the supply of adoptive parents who are ready to give these children the love and stability they need," he said.
"I entirely reject the argument that there are too few people willing to adopt. I think there could be a vast supply: parents with their own children; couples - heterosexual and homosexual - unable to have children of their own; single individuals, both men or women.
"But the barrier which looms between these prospective parents and their potential children is a process of recruitment and assessment which turns enthusiasm into exhaustion and optimism into despair."
As Madonna and her adopted son David Banda prove ethnicity should not be an issue
Next month's Action Plan will cut back form-filling and streamline the assessment process in the hope of increasing the number of children adopted during their first year, when they have the best chance of settling successfully in their new family.
Mr Gove accepted he may be accused of being "cavalier" with children's safety.
But he insisted: "What I believe would be cavalier would be to allow the continuation of an adoption process which is so slow, so inefficient, that we condemn thousands of children to a life without parents...
"However conscientious they may be, practitioners who wait too long for any particular child, holding out for a perfect parental match, are not acting in that child's best interests."
He made clear that the Action Plan will include changes to improve adoption rates for ethnic minority children, which look likely to lead to more inter-racial adoptions.
Along with groups of siblings and children with disabilities, those from ethnic minorities are the hardest to place, said Mr Gove.
Would-be adopters willing to offer them a home should be "welcomed with open arms".
He cited cases in which a white couple were told their request to adopt a child from a different race "could not be countenanced" and a foster-carer was told she could not adopt the child she was looking after because she was white and the child was black.
"I won't deny that an ethnic match between adopters and child can be a bonus," said the Education Secretary.
"But it is outrageous to deny a child the chance of adoption because of a misguided belief that race is more important than any other factor. And it is simply disgraceful that a black child is three times less likely to be adopted from care than a white child."
Mr Gove issued guidance last year that social workers should not regard racial background as the determining factor in adoption decisions.
But he said too many local authorities had failed to change their practices.
"If there is a loving family ready and able to adopt a child, issues of ethnicity must not stand in the way," he said.
"I won't say too much now, in advance of the action plan, but I can promise you that I will not look away when the futures of black children in care continue to be damaged."
David Simmonds, chairman of the Local Government Association's Children and Young People Board, said: "Local authorities take their responsibilities towards children in their care extremely seriously and this includes seeking permanent and stable loving homes for these children wherever possible.
"We acknowledge that there is a variation in performance across councils and recognise that at times the system has been risk-averse, but we want to work with Government to change that and remove barriers that delay decisions, including tackling the significant delays in the family courts.
"Ensuring a child is in the best possible long-term home cannot be tackled through a one-size-fits-all approach. Adoption is right for some children, but for others long-term stability might best be found with friends and family through special guardianship.
"Councils are committed to continually improving services for our most vulnerable children and four in five local authority adoption services have recently been rated good or outstanding by Ofsted.
"The LGA and its partners are also currently developing an £8 million programme that will encourage children's services professionals to share information on what works. Helping councils to improve adoption processes will be a key part of this.
"It's vital that the result for each child is at the heart of any decision-making process.
"Councils will continue to press for greater freedom for social work professionals to be able to use their judgment and manage the important balance between reducing delay and allowing for quality decision-making on what is in the best interests of a particular child."
If they were refused to adopt because their kettle lead was to long, is in not the case under the present increase in Care Proceedings that they could easily be the victims of a child protection investigation with reference their own children?in these scenarios anything is possible, their own children could be placed on a child protection care plan because of the length of a kettle lead?
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