Dad: I lived with 24-hour CCTV and the threat of my son being taken....
Reminds me of a case that PAIN advised on, the Parents were more or less put under house arrest for a week, they had their passports taken from them,via a Guardian ad litem, who ordered the Judge to confiscate all passports, and a holiday that they payed for a year before had to be canceled.
The only crime, the parents took one of the children to hospital over the weekend, after the boy fell over and hurt himself at a family wedding.
There was no apparent injury, the Mother had been been diagnosed with MSBP by a Paediatrician,without ever seeing her all the children, this individual was not even adequately qualified to make such an assumption.
The Social Worker wanted every room in the house to be photographed, including the contents of the fridge.
Not only did the family loose their holiday, but were put under intolerable trauma and stress.
There was never any psychological assessments requested on the parents.
In the end the parents won their case, the Judge ordered that the LA should pay the parents legal costs over £100,000.
At the High Court several weeks ago, a freelance Journalist won the right to publish the story, without identifying the Parents or children.
The Paediatrician was also named in this landmark case Judgment.
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