Sadly this is one case of many, that PAIN are advising on at present, by a system that will never admit to mistakes, Social Workers that are allowed to discredit some medical experts,after a child was diagnosed with a severe form of autism,based on a Psychological assessment,and the same defined by CAMBS, but the Social Worker proclaimed that the boys bizarre behavior was put down to the single Mothers poor parenting skills and emotional abuse.
In another case a Social Worker suggested to the Parents that she would find out how an unexplained fracture occurred?
Corruption and injustice will continue ten fold under this present child stealing for adoption scenario,a very lucrative business.
I have recently seen copies of contact notes from a case which is now in the High Court arena , there is not one positive comment based on a years contact,yes this system exposes comments of unreasonable behavior when the Mother cried while leaving a contact session.
Once again Christopher Booker thank you for highlighting the truth,and well done to Ian Joseph,a zealous and inspirational fellow campaigner.
Value-Christopher Booker.
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