Yes all adoptions do go through a legal process, but that system is carried out in the secret draconian family courts.
Yes it is the court that decides
the future of the children, but the courts are fed by the so called expert
medical witnesses,and sometimes the conflicting and misleading evidence is given
by the professionals, some who are not adequately qualified to make such a
How can a Social Worker make an assumption that a child is not
suffering from severe autism, after being diagnosed by CAMS and a
Psychiatrist,the Social Worker, stated that the boys bizarre behavior was due to
the mothers poor parenting skills.
In another case PAIN are advising on, a
pediatrician labeled the mother with MSBP, without ever seeing the parents or
children involved.another court document submitted by a person that is not
adequately qualified.
The former is happening in the family court arena
worldwide every day.
by a system that is outdated and grossly unfair.
Value-forced adoption.
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