Education Committee - Children first: the child protection system in England Written evidence submitted by Parents Against Injustice (PAIN)

This evidence was written by my Co Worker Trevor Jones , Child protection in England, submitted by Parents Against Injustice in 2011.

Trevor has continued endlessly to write on behalf of Parents Against Injustice with regards to many Child Protection issues with reference to Parliamentary consultations, but rather disgustingly we have been ignored and will not be putting any evidence into the new children's social care review..

I feel very let down personally, as i put an Application in to become a part of the panel, but to my dismay i received a reply stating that i was not successful. 

After 35 years of being a volunteer and Mackenzie Friend Advocate with relating to supporting parents within the family court, and going through the system as a parent, and having my Son aged 3 taken into care for 12 weeks, i felt that  i would be adequately qualified to give valuable input on the subject, the computer says no.

Most of the Applications made were from the academics, many being social workers and zealots from the medical field, they have have all been successful.

The voices of Parents and children have been ignored once again.

I FEEL THAT THE INSPIRATIONAL WORK DONE BY FORMER DIRECTOR SUE AMPHLETT in the late 1980s and early 1990s and my work continuing with my brilliant co workers sometimes is all in vain, well it is in the eyes of the so called academics and so called experts on the panel,, but i know that when we have won a case and you see Parents with a beaming smile on their faces when their children are returned to them is THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD.

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