i would love my babies to be home my story by unknown

in 2006 i found out i was prenant in 2007 i gave birth to a beutiful bouncing baby girl born 7lb 9 1/2 6 weeks later i was diagnosed with post nateal deppreson 2months later we moved to a erea in our town which were advised not to go there. i started drinking lot and smoking cannabis which i totally regreat in the july off that year i found out i was pregnant i was devastated i didnt no wat to do me and my partner splitt up a few weeks pror and social services got involved my daughter was developing fine and was happy a little over weight but so what.had a few prblems bonding but we started getting over that in the december off tht year in march 2008 my son was born absolutly over the moon loved him from day one never experianced happyness like it it was how it was supposed to be he was a hungry babie and gained weight quickly his development was that off a none moth old at 6mnths old he was crawling and pulling up on things he was walking at ten months old.....
in the september of 2008 a family support working found it quite execptable to assault my daughter with foam blocks and at the end off tht september we had a core group they were all sat there smug as a cheshire cat then they pulled there papers out......
we are starting court proccedings rang out off there mouths i ran out and started being sick and they upset the children too.. they new what was going on in a way...
on the 22nd october at 3.30 they were taken ripped out off my arms screaming mommy mommy dnt go..the words tht still upset me to this day and that rings in my ears every day my two buetiful children gone... never to live at home again....
my sol adviced me not to fight it as they would have been adopted out now we have ran out of fighting which sounds horrible but we aint going to win them bk not against social services.....
now beacause we waited they are now living with there grandperants in the town and we get to see them grow up
and the door is left open for us to get them bk istead off them being adopted were we wouldnt have seen them grown up and we defenatly not have

the one thing that i have worked out from going threw all this is money speaks abudances and all they think about is there pay packet at the end off the week which was proved in my mind in court

dont trust no one only your self
make out everything is okai and dnt get ill
they expect you to be perfect and no one is
this just isnt on

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