Sunday, January 10, 2010
Help save a child from abuse.

How you can help bring about change.
NSPCC claim there are 32,000 children are at risk in Britain today and have previously claimed they cannot deal with them all.

We don’t ask you for 2 or £3 a month but we do ask you to buy a 30p second class stamp for a letter to your local Town Hall or councillor’s surgery asking them to support The Charter for Grandchildren being made mandatory for professional’s who deal in the welfare of children. This will encourage social services to use every means of care and protection that grandparents can provide instead of being placed with strangers.


Dear Councillor,

I am writing to ask you to support the Charter for Grandchildren being made mandatory for all professionals that work in the welfare of children.

Social services are not complying with the advisory Charter for Grandchildren and constantly ignore the protection and early detection of abuse that grandparents can provide at a minimum of cost to the public purse. Children should enjoy all the benefits of being kept in a stable loving home environment which their grandparents can provide rather than be farmed out to strangers.

Social services are well known for not getting it right but if grandparents say anything to them at all about how a child is treated the grandparents are labelled as non-cooperative and told “we don’t need to speak to you” We have evidence that social workers have been telling children that they are not wanted by their family which makes them easier to handle for social services but totally demoralises a child. It is well known that a child brought up in care or being shuffled about from carer to carer is a non achiever in life and turn to gangs for that feeling of belonging because they have been alienated from their natural family by social workers.







For more releases on this subject, go to:-

Why Grandparents?

32,000 children are at risk in Britain today.

How many of these children could be saved from neglect and abuse by early detection of that abuse. Grandparents are perfect for early detection because of their unique insight into their family's shortcomings but social services or the law do not recognise them as relevant persons in their grandchildren's lives and are told "we don't need to talk to you" This is never in a child's best interest if they are in danger.

When a child is abused or killed it is a horror story in the media that everybody says "is that not terrible something should be done" but are they asking the authorities if they are using every means of protecting our children? NO! Are they using the army of grandparents that can put a stop to ongoing child abuse if given the chance and costs next to nothing to do the job? NO!

Have you ever thought why society is getting more violent and muggings are on the increase. Why you are afraid to open your door or go out at night.. Why you are afraid to phone the police for fear of reprisals. It is because society is turning a blind eye to how our authorities are dealing with the treatment of children.. Children are not getting the love, respect and stability they need to grow up into decent citizens. Think about it when you next see a newspaper that carries a story of old women getting attacked or maybe yourself getting mugged or your house broken into.

The Charter for Grandchildren was created by The Scottish Government but not made legal. It does not give grandparents any rights of contact with their grandchildren but If made mandatory the children would have the right to expect the best. It contains all a grandparent needs to be recognised seriously in children’s lives.

The Charter if mandatory gives the children the right to expect professionals to comply with it or give reasons to the contrary. It states that when anyone is dealing in the welfare of children the role grandparents can play in their lives must be considered seriously for there welfare.

We believe, if all is well, there should be equal parenting with grandparents as a back up for the welfare of children. We have no intentions of taking over or step on any parents toes, just to be considered more if the children are alone or have been abused or taken into care rather than go to strangers.

Grandparents go out of their way in trying to look out for their grandchildren's welfare but are seldom recognised for their effort. Social services and the governments are although accept that grandparents are in a favourable position to prevent child abuse but are failing to do anything about it. Grandparents are usually willing to put themselves out to accommodate children in a crisis situation. Why? Because they care!

For more releases on this subject, go to:-


Grandparents Apart UK 22 Alness Crescent Glasgow G52 1PJ is non-profit volunteer charity. .

Any problems phone Jimmy 0141 882 5658

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