The Prime Minister is to apologise for forced deporting of children fr0m 1930 to 1970. But

they are still at it. Social services are still snatching children and telling them falsely that their families do not want them and also telling grandparents and extended family that the children do not want to see them either. (Parental Alienation) This confuses and demoralises children into accepting forced adoption to complete strangers. An excellent cost cutting business plan! But children are not commodities.

Extract from the ‘Social Work Action Magazine’ Social work conference.

Quote “Social workers said they did not become SW so that they could be ‘case managers or have to make decisions based on money rather on what was needed” End Quote.

He will combine it with an apology to the 7,000 child migrants from Britain who still lives in Australia.

As they were compulsorily shipped out of Britain, many of the children were told - wrongly - their parents were dead, and that a more abundant life awaited them.

Many parents did not know their children, aged as young as three had been sent to Australia. Child care agencies (guess who they are) worked with the government to send disadvantaged children to a rosy future and supply what was deemed "good white stock" to a former colony.

Full story.

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Comment by Alison J Stevens on November 15, 2009 at 13:59
Interesting reading, if coram have their way, they would farm our children out to Australia, now, if they cant find enough prospective adoptive Parents to start fostering babies in the early days of Care Proceedings, their policy is let the adopters foster babies within a few days of birth, planning will start before a child is even born.
Local Authority's in London,are using this policy now with Coram,and want to pursue this on a National basis.

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