Injustice,- and double standards,- within the official Child Care Sector has been going on for at least 35 years.

35 years ago, as a solo parent, suffering from severe physical and emotional exhaustion, and having increasing problems handling my son, I went to the authorities for help. Several years later I realised that I had been 'conned' into 'volunteering' my son into 'care' via what I hadn't realised at the time was a 'comulsary' procedure - (ie in court),- THUS RELIEVING THE PLACEMENT OFFICER OF THE ONUS OF PROViING THE NEED FOR A COMPULSARY PLACEMENT. In short I was NEVER accused of abuse or nelect!

In 'care' my son's behaviour became progressively worse and he slid down the institutional hierarchy into prison.

I was a member of Parents Aid between 1979 and the mid 1980s, and wrote an article on the situation existent at the time, (ie before the birth of Family Courts and the 1889 Children's Act), which was published in a local Writer's Workshop publication. (I''ll send you a copy Alison, - when I find your address!) By then my son was over 18, and out of care, and I was exhausted from struggling alone against 'the system' for so long. Hence I dropped out of sight.

Now I am back! In addition to the injustice that I encountered, two other issues concern me. First the abuse, under-educational achievement and anti-social behaviour that have abounded within institutional care don't fit in with


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