Martin Narey, I just hope that you never have to face the indignity of the secret Family Courts and have your heart ripped apart for ever.
Your arrogance is beyond belief.
Babies are being taken from Mothers, within hours of birth, on Emergency Protection Orders, in many parts of the Country at present; in many Cases Social Services have very little evidence to support such drastic action.
Mothers are being diagnosed with MSBP, by expert witnesses who are not properly qualified to make such a diagnosis, as in a Case I am dealing with at the moment, the Mother has been diagnosed with this condition by a Paediatrician, who has never seen the Lady or Children concerned.
Nareys statement will make the current situation worse; the Family Courts are in meltdown already, due to the increase in Care Proceedings, due to Local Authority failings, resulting in the death of vulnerable Children.
Care Proceedings have risen by as much as 80%, in some parts of the Country.
Due to the former there is a waiting list for Guardians, which in some areas, is up to five months, these professionals should become involved within a week of a Case, entering the Family Court arena.
Family Courts and Cafcass are failing Children and Families on a large scale, leaving Children at risk of abuse, or even death, and in the majority of Cases, Parents and Children, being torn apart, for a longer and unacceptable time scale.

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Comment by Margaret Reid on September 14, 2009 at 0:02
The pain that we as a family underwent, was so bad, you cant finds word to describe it, perhaps a daily nightmare that never ever ends, you know it will be there forever . -
I could not possibly wish upon anyone else for I am a better person than you sir.
Whats the difference between us - My children, all unplanned, will always come first.
They are my life and my soul. I feel nothing but sorrow for you feeling so bitter and twisted.

I care, I love and I adore all of my chidren regardless of colour, sex, looks or faith. If I were a Social Worker, Id help everyone that the Socal Worker remit intails - every client that I was paid to care for would be cared for properly, proffessionally and with every means at my disposal.
How could you say those unforgivable comments when - you stand for a childrens organisation?
Was it in order to pass the buck to the parents for your shortcomings? More mistakes? More lessons to be learned?
Are you aware of just how many public enquiries there has been since the Maria Caldwell case in the 70's? Over 80 Serious Reviews, all focused on the same points, all raising, noting and blaming the same issues. Lack of communication between Authorities, work over load.
Check and see beacuse every report uses the same words.
What a waste of money when all the Social Services had to promptly say - We messed up, it will never happen again and learn by your own mistakes not the parents, and make sure it never does happen again.. You cant blame the parents, they didnt place those poor Doncaster boys.

I am in no way blaming Social Services for the way they turned out. Their parents let them down and then the poor mite were then let down again by the the organisation paid to look after them. So you tell me - " Who was there for them? " Isnt that what LAC stands for? "Looked after Child" Nobody was looking after them then was there? Well you can attempt to blame every mother that has PND, you can blame every mother with MH issues, or that is Dyslegic or is young and vulnerabe due to being a survivor of the care system. It remains transparent who is to blame - Social Services for not even taking the time to find the correct type of placement for them. For not carrying out their tasks correctly.
What would I do differently?
If any of the new parents have been in care whilst younger - Id help everway possible only sooner when you have the stats to prove the lack of bonding, which is only natural and not a choice they had any say in. ( Please check the stats of this.)
Foster Carer - No.. Id check the immediate family to see if there were suitable kinship possibilities.
Dyslexic mother - Id help with classes, parenting classes, everything and anything, all in order to -.
Keep the family together as a unit - As legislation dictates, no matter the cost. You never stop trying. Because thats what the Social Services are meant to do. To try everything in the childs best interest. You say by sterilising potential bad parents, this will erradictae child abuse?
God forgive you.

I would never snatch children for a lot of heartbreaking futures. Rather Id try every avenue in order to repair what is wrong in that household - As theres nevers nothing that is broken that cant ever be fixed.
Are there babies and toddlers who need to be placed in care? Yes, as they are in real immediate danger but that would only be after they have however exhusted all the sources open to the SS's. disposal and the Social Work cud honestly say "They'd tried their hardest".

If you read up on Family Law and your own SWGC "Rules and Regulations" treated users with respect and dignity. Used all the resources open to them. Attempted at all costs - to keep the family together. It appears that the only chapter of the Childrens Act that is taught in Coram's School for Social Workers is the "Child Protection" section and the "Adoption Law"

No member of the public would condemn the Socail Services Dept then, if the child really need protecting. I find therefore not only find Social Services guilty yet again of malmanagement and neglect but find them guilty now of passing the blame onto the parents, the foster parents and even the media for the amount of stress that Social Workers are now placed. It is the whole system for Social Work forgetting what is contained in their job remit. Tell me who looks after the genuine cases? The workers are away preparing to adopt and removing a newly born baby. That mothers offence? She couldnt force her 11 yr old daughter to go to school and two missed dental appointments. Does that warrant losing your 22 hr old baby, leaving her 4 other sibilings happy and untouched at home.

I used to say the Laws an ass, I apologise - Mr Narey - you sir are an ass.

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