Wishing you a happy new year, and all the best for 2011.

Today is known as
D-Day, or Divorce Day, the busiest time of the year for solicitors as estranged couples split - and it is women who are most likely to be initiating a divorce.

That's never a good time, but we have some positive news for all women on that journey,as Maypole has been awarded a £10,000 lottery grant to redevelop ourwebsite. The new site will offer more information, advice and support,and will enable us to offer a membership scheme and a secure self helpforum.

Thepresent site was designed and built by Rosalind, co-founder of Maypole:'As my first web site it's suited us well but as Maypole grows we needmore sophisticated design and functionality, and that's way beyond mylimited web design skills!'.

Jennifer (other!) co-founder ofMaypole, says 'the new site will be easier to find in search engines,which is really exciting as it was because we couldn't findany dedicated support for women on the net that the idea for Maypolegrew'. 

 Wehave appointed a web designer in Leeds, and look forward to uploadingthe new site in the spring. It will be at the same web address, and youwill be first to hear of the launch.


Maypole media

Keep up to date with Maypole on Twitter and read our blog  http://maypolecharity.wordpress.com/.

   Maypole E News     

January 2011

Family courts to close

 The Government has announced that 49 county courts, including family courts, in England and Wales are to close. 

Increased travel time and costs could have a significant impact on parents on a low income, and with child care commitments. 

 Those expressing concern include Welsh Women's Aid, who have significant concerns in relation to safety issues and access to justice for victims of domestic abuse.

List of courts due to close


Evidence of problems with shared care arrangements

Evidence that young children struggle in shared care whilst rigid parenting puts school aged children at risk:


with another summary from Australia:


Help us speak up for women during the family justice review

If you are having a clear out look usup on E bay, and donate some of your cash to help Maypole raiseawareness of the issues affecting women through separation and divorce.

You'll find us under 'Maypole -2009' (we know that's a bit out of date, all will be fixed with our new web site!) .

Every little bit is a big help. Thank you.


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