HELLO,, This is the third Complaint that i have made to Your Department in the past two weeks. And nothing ever improves. My Husband Mr Andrew Stevens of 10 Greensward East Goscote Leicestershire had an appointment at Leicester Royal Infirmary at 10.45am at the Gastroenterology LRI. He was up getting ready at 6,30am this morning as you have to be ready two hours before your Appointment time, the ambulance was ordered by Myself last week and it took me over 3 hours for the telephone to be answered. The Ambulance was more or less an hour late, and if a Patient is more than half an hour late , Patients are not usually allowed to see the Consultant. He must of got to Leicester Royal Infirmary at 1150am. It is now 6pm the Out Patients Department is closed, i have rang the Hospital he is not in the Discharge Lounge, i cannot get hold of him on his mobile telephone. He has now been waiting over 6 hours to get an Ambulance home. Andrew is very very unsteady on his feet due to a brain injury, and has very Oedematous legs and a very very high risk of falls. He cannot be contacted any where in the Hospital, i have tried to ring Gastroenterology Out Patients Dep artment there is no reply. He has been without food, and would have to get to the shop or canteen to get something to eat and drink. I am out of my mind with worr, i could not go with him as i have just had surgery Myself. The Ambulance service line , i am constantly on hold, have been trying to get hold of them for 2 hours now constantly. Your Service is not fit for purpose, Patents are being left for hours waiting for an ambulance to go home, with nothing to eat or drink, Last week the Service was in melt down, cancer patients were missing their Chemotherapy slots due to ambulances not picking them up from home, the same goes for dialysis, Patients who were missing their appointments due to ambulances not turning up. Patients could not be discharged home, thus there was bed blocking , due to ambulance Service being in lockdown .Two weeks ago i had to arrange for an ambulance to bring me home from LGH after post anesthetic and surgery, i did not have transport the hospital would not let me be discharged home in a taxi, thus had to arrange transport myself, once again it took me two hours of constant phoning to get any where. The day came for surgery, the nurses were constantly at the nurses station trying to get through to the Service to say that i was ready for discharge. The nurse was constantly on the phone for at least over an hour, the nurses have enough to do with regards to Patient care without being bogged down with the ambulance debacle. The time is now 6,30pm, i still do not have a clue where my husband is. TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE SERVICE. The Management within the Trust are also responsible for this utter chaos by Sousing out this incompetent team, they are failing Patients all over the UK. 18.40 I AM NOW GOING TO RING THE PRESS, AND DUTY MANAGER AT THE HOSPITAL, BECAUSE I DO NOT HAVE A CLUE WHERE MY HUSBAND IS. please look into my concerns, i will be taking this issue up with my MP AND THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE TRUST. Kind Regards Alison Stevens. IT IS NOW NEARLY 6,45PM AND I AM CONTACTING THE DUTY MANAGER AT LRI Kind Regards Alison Stevens.

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