Parents Against Injustice
7th February 2010
Dear Mr Brown.
I am sitting at my trusty kitchen table, waiting for my roast dinner to cook, listening to my favourite tape. But I am angry. This country is a mess. A disgrace. Crime rates are rising, some serious crimes not even passed on from Police to CPS. There are dangerous people walking about, without a care in the world. Rapists, Paedophiles attacking at will women and children. Knife crime, gun crime. Is this really Britain or is this U.S.A? With people like this, it is not suprising to hear people wanting to stay indoors. But then there are anti-social hooligans that terrorise families. Burgulare trying there luck. Our hospitals exposed as potential death traps. Neglect of vulnerable people on wards. Cross contamination.
My real anger is about our family courts here in the U.K. It is a joke. The press are having a field day at the moment. The secrecy courts, where EVERYTHING is done behind closed doors.. If you claim to be truly in the dark of the atrocities that take place, feel free to view on Youtube if you have spare few minutes. Or I can tell you. Just another unfortunate parent with no voice, no power and human rights stripped away from me. A normal thirty something pleading with you to do something.
Imagine the Jeremy Kyle show. How people go on it, hopefully at the end of the show, the people might receive "aftercare" from Graham. Of course everybody knows what unfolds in the show. We hear of people admit to be drunkards, drug addicts, domestic violence. Poverty. "Who is the daddy game with those important DNA tests". Families ranting and raving in front of the nation. Are those families involved with Social Services?. Are there children subject to child protection plans?. If not, then they should be.
Social workers are stealing our children. On the flimsiest of excuses. They have more power than MI5. Real life has become like a Jeremy Kyle show. Some women suffer from post natal depression. Some kill there children, but not all women have done this. Each time there has been an outcry "how did this happen". With the correct treatment it is not catch all reason to remove children from mothers because they " might" harm their baby. We are not all Tracey Connellys either. Issues surrounding mental health issues are still stereotyped. Not all mental health issues means that the person is a danger to others. Conditions such as Bipolar Disorder. Post Traumatic stress disorder. Epilepsy. All of those conditions are treatable with medications. But social workers are using these very frequently as reasons to separate children away from loving families on that infamous sentence of "at risk from emotional harm". Tommorrow, Mr Brown I might win the National lottery.
Crystal ball predications of what will happen gleemed from outdated research does not mean exactly the same for the thousands of families that have had this happen. These social workers get their way, by making sure everybody sings from the same hymn sheet. So that means if social workers decide they want to steal your children, that is what will happen. There is no escape. I mean who argues with a social worker. They are notorious for taking children away. Even when you try and gain the correct support that you need to get them of your back, they use it against you in there oh so sly ways. Stating that you cannot cope. Then next they say you are narcisstic and have a Personality Disorder if you get angry at them. Of course your angry, there stealing your bairns.
A personality disorder is merely a diagnostic tool and label that basically says that you are somehow disordered and abnormal. It does not mean you are "psycopath" or clinally insane. It just means that you have issues that need sorting out. Such as bereavement, divorce, child abuse. In fact anybody could have a personality disorder, even YOU Mr Brown. But the "expert witnesses" used for care proceedings, normally not previously involved with the family use ANY past issue and state you are mentally ill or have some form of learning disability. YES, people have had their children taken away because they have a mild form of learning problem. I know you are aware of such cases such as Rachel Pullen from Notts and Kerry Robertson who are deemed not clever enough to raise their babies. That must mean that our educational system is not up to scratch either. Why are children still leaving secondary education unable to read, write or do Maths?. Children are being failed horrendously.
Coming back to the expert witnesses, these are very highly paid people commissioned to write baised reports that will demonise the parents. More often than not, they have never met the family unlike the G.P would have done. A quick assessment that takes under an hour. TICK BOXES, TICK, TICK. Check for anything bad. YEP.
In reality there is nobody on the side of the parents ( the accused), most importantly THE CHILD/REN. C.A.F.C.A.S.S are extra social workers who agree with the first set. Your lawyer probably will not call your own expert witnesses who would tell another story. Just because they are on the same side as the L.A.
As a father yourself. I am sure you want the very best for your children. I am very sorry to hear you lost a child. I do not wish to demonise all fathers as feckless lay abouts, but there men that are violent to their partners. Social Workers still wade in and take your children if you have bben in that scenario after the women have got out of the situation. That is cruel.
Women such as Sally Clarke who was accused of murdereing her babies was a solicitor herself, turns out she was innocent all along. But the anguish of spending all that time in jail; for a crime she did not commit led her to drink herself literally to death. Mistakes are still happening.
What needs to happen is REFORM. That social workers do what they are paid to do. TO support. Not to leave them stranded, persecute them. Nor to remove children unless they have abused their children. For example, if a person has a drink or drug problem, refer them to a clinic for treatment with a therapist. If a person is disabled- make sure that there is the correct package for their needs. With a huge database that has detailed lists of help and support. If a person is in a violent situation, help them into a safer environment away from the perpetrator. Its simple ANGER MANAGEMENT.
Not all victims of serious child abuse will abuse their children either. That is a myth. In fact if you look past all of the reasons why L.As are stealing children, you will see an alarming pattern. Its all about targets and performance scales . "How many cute children can we have adopted out for new mummies and daddies." One poor lady committed suicide because she found out her child was to be adopted. Eighty percent of time these people are sitting at the computer terminals tapping away, instead of supporting the families that NEED it. CRIMINAL..
If L.As across the U.K are said to be failing, not fit for the purpose as is the case in Birmingham, Doncaster and other regions, then how is that the parents fault? CAFCASS is at an all time high after the Baby P case. There are many other children before and after that are dying. It is because the current system is not fit for the purpose. There are more simplistic options. LIKE THIS. Only take the children that have been seriously abused, protect them from future harm. Please Mr Brown do not allow this forced adoption to continue. It costs far more to rehome children into the care system than to give a decent service to families.
From this letter that I have written to you, is it visible to you that I have been diagnosed as an adult with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.I am more than capable of raising my children. Not everybody is a "bad parent". I know that the courts can order parenting classes and parenting orders as a first resort rather than the care system..
Yours Sincerely
Melizza Moore
P.S If you cannot or will not see the truth then there is definatley blindness in both of your eyes.
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