.,   26/01/2011        PRESS RELEASE



Parents Organisation To Chair Forced Adoption Television Interview


A Midlands based support organisation Parents Against Injustice is to host an event this coming weekend, to highlight the ever growing increase of forced adoption within the UK.


PAIN spokesperson Alison Stevens says that there has been a huge rise in Social Services Care Proceedings since the Baby Peter tragedy, resulting in some Parents having their children wrongly taken into care, mirror imaging the events of Cleveland in 1985, when over 200 children were removed from their Parents, based on the conflicting medical evidence given in the family court arena by Paediatrician Dr Marietta Higgs.


At the time she stated, that all children had been sexually abused by their parents or other persons. The evidence was later discredited by some professionals, but too late for some families, that had been torn apart by forced adoption.


Some 26 years after Cleveland and the substantial Public Inquiry chaired by Dame Butler-Slosh, there is very little change, with the policy of over zealous Social Workers taking babies into care  within hours of birth, on emergency protection orders, with very little or no real evidence to support such drastic action.


The televised event organised by French journalist Florence Bellone will show the effect and the trauma of such events, based within the secret family courts and the programme will also screen interviews of family members who have lost children to a system that is based on lies and here say, with conflicting evidence given by the so called expert witnesses, who pander to the wishes of Local Authority’s, to gratify their adoption targets.


Children’s Panel Solicitor Brendan Fleming, based in Birmingham, will be interviewed about his experience of dealing with cases within a city that has been declared NOT FIT FOR PORPOSE, with regards to the children’s Services within the area, by a Social Services Department that has failed grossly to protect vulnerable children, resulting in child deaths.

Ms Bellone states that there is very little evidence of forced adoption, within France and Belgium and her findings will shock the general Public on the continent.






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Comment by angela greenway on February 14, 2011 at 0:11
yes very true my grandsons getting forced adopted  due to lies  psychologist test  they have LA solicitors they dont help much , a child can be removed with no evidence, no far trial ,accused of future harm, and so many LOVING familys having there childern removed for no real reason they are the ones causing harm to children and parents to but its okay for them to do it they have caused many parents to now suffer mental illness due to the loss of their childern the childern also face trauma of being removed from there parents the whole systems failing many familys who cant speak out cos they can be jailed and now to afraid to speak out hopefully Florance's TV and radio opens ways to change in the system that needs to be now and children returned to their loving familys a child is removed from family who's lucky to see there child 3 times a week if lucky for one hour its disgusting whats happening and i pray it stops soon before i lose my grandson forever there should be evidence not hearsay or a malisous phone call to remove childern there are many parents on medication from doctors pills aint gonna take pain way nor help fix a broken heart give us our kids bk and we can be back to normal familys the way we were untill the socail worker took our kids and carry on with life the way we was before you caused the pain and hurt

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