Pioneering approach in family courts to support domestic abuse victims better


The Police should support domestic violence victims a lot more.

I was very bewildered by the Police in their response to domestic violence victims when they have been granted a non molestation restraining orders and an occupation order of the family home.

A friend of mine went through very severe issues of domestic violence, she was granted a nom molestation and occupation order by a Judge, but the Police failed to act on the order, and did not respond to her showing the police the occupation order of house at the police station.

Because of this my friends husband remained in the marital home, and she was forced to rent one room in a shared house.

I always advise our service users to get copies of all their police files regarding the domestic violence under the data protection act of 2018., all domestic violence files given by the police can be added to family court bundles especially if the victim is acting as Litigant in person for their Private Law cases.

If victims go to Court to get a non molestation order and an occupation order of the marital home, the victim will require evidence of the domestic violence to add to their court bundle to put an application in to the Court to be granted the occupation order and the non molestation order.

It doesn't really matter if these family court cases are public and private law, regarding domestic violence, Social Workers still have a mandatory obligation to ensure they treat children in a child centred friendly way, and still allow small children to highlight their wishes and feelings as well as the mandatory Gillick competence by allowing children over 13 to become fully involved in all decision making regarding their way forward, and this should allow them to be present at all child protection case conferences with an advocate.

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