Researching Reform launches Britain’s first parent-led review of children’s social care with Michelle Simmons

When i first heard that there was going to be a new Children Social Care Review, My sentiment was great, anything to improve the life of Children and the voice of the Child in care of the Local Authority, as well as the rights of the Parents.

I approached the Chairperson Josh Macalister of the Children Social Care Independent Review, after he asked for persons who have been involved in the care system, either as a Children who have been in the care system, and others who have worked in the children social care system, and also parents to highlight their experience's of having their children taken into care.

With regards to my 35 years as a Family Court Advocate with Parents Against Injustice PAIN, and a Children's Rights and Parental Rights campaigner, as well having a child taken wrongly into care myself i considered myself adequately qualified to become a part of the review panel.

I received an email back from the Chairperson of the project Josh Macalister, who stated that my Application had been refused.

My 35 years of service for PAIN was not good enough, in the eyes of Macalister.

I emailed Macalister back, but yes you have guessed the outcome, he totally ignored my email.

All the persons on the panel are academics, social workers, so once again the review will be very one sided, and THE VOICE OF THE CHILD AND THE PARENTS WILL NOT BE HEARD.

Thank you to Natasha Philips and Michelle Simmons for launching UK first parent led review of children's social care.

If Josh Macalister and is very one sided panel had included myself and others on the panel, who have experienced the trauma of the care system, with having their children wrongly taken into care, there would be no need for Natasha and Michelle to have to start their own Children social care review to hear the PARENTS VOICES. 


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