The CRB issue is a complete and utter farce, as we have seen over the past few weeks, a former henchman from the Mugabi dictatorship was given a job and allowed to work in a care home.
A recent Daily Telegraph article stated that 17,000 persons were wrongly registered on a enhanced CRB disclosure.
Many Teachers have had their careers blighted, by false allegations of child abuse, even though many have had their names vindicated, via acquittal of a Crown Court hearing.and further family court hearings with Social Services investigating child protection issues within he so called accused family regarding their own children, even though they Local Authority may have decided to take no action, the allegation may remain on file, held by the criminal records bureau.
The former prevents that person ever working with children or young people.
A few individuals have recently had allegations removed from their CRB disclosures, but it has cost them many months of stress and anxiety.
PAIN have recently dealt with a case, where a Mother was diagnosed with MSBP by her GP, who involved Social Services, after he said that she was taking her children to the Doctors on a more than normal occasion.
Result the children were placed on a child protection care plan, but the Hospital trust who she worked for as a Nurse, held a meeting with the Police, and her career has been tarnished.
She was suspended, and the last i heard was that there was a CRB issue, and the powers to be were deciding whether to do a risk assessment or terminate her contract completely.
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