The main thing i would say is sort things out between Yourselves, otherwise it may end up within the Family Court arena, and cost you a fortune in Legal fees.
Or if it needs to go to Court research and try and go Litigant in Person, there are quite a few Organisations that can assist with regards to finding an Advocate as a Mackenzie Friend, WHICH INCLUDES PAIN.
Also there is the Gillick issue where children at the age of 13 can legally instruct a Solicitot themselves for representation,
Another issue is for children to fill the CAFCASS wishes and feelings pack in,
PAIN can assist with this.
Also we have Private Law cases where the Children have been allowed into Chambers to see the Judge and share their wishes and feelings.
We have had cases where a child has been deemed gillick at 11 years of age.
We have Solicitors that will assist children under the clause of Gillick.
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