Please tell me more about this PAIN group.
Is it now defunct?
Would you have any charter or plan
information that could be used as a
model to resurrect it in the USA?
I would love to help somebody else
set up such a thing in the USA but
have controls to guarantee that it
never becomes subverted by the
"system sucks" or plundered
financially by anybody.
You're in the UK, so is that where you are from?
I see you spend a lot of time in Egypt.
Does Egypt have CPS agencies that go too far?
I know that the UK does.
Several years ago I discovered that one of the
convention/training/symposiums for CPS caseworkers
in the USA actually had sessions on how the
Police, CPS and contractors could meet and
"get their stories straight" to win more cases in court.
This could alternatively be described as a criminal
act of witness tampering, as in gangsters working
out uniform lies "gettting their stories straight".
The point here is that the registration for this
event had a part where people who are
foreign students in Social Work would
be free, compliments of the US Agency
for International Development.
In other words, AID was helping to spread
the corrupt mindset that makes the CPS
agencies so terrible and abusive to families.
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