I have been campaigning with regards to the same issue for over a year now.
We all know Children need safeguarding from the likes of the Ian Huntley type, but the situation has gone to the extreme.
There are well over 17000 individuals that have been wrongly registered by the Criminal Records Bureau, stated in a recent article by the Daily Telegraph.
Baroness Morgan, Junior Children's Minister mentioned several months ago that Teachers or Youth Workers, that have had unfounded allegations of Child abuse made against them, would have the former deleted from a enhanced CRB disclosure, with this thought in mind, i decided to write a letter to the Right Honourable Lady, stating that the same should pertain to all individuals who have had their names vindicated and acquitted in the Crown and Family Court arena, i also suggested a meeting to discus the Groups concerns.
Baroness Morgan’s Department, wrote back to me, totally contradicting the statement, such allegations will remain on file until the person is retired, with a reference added to the CRB file, stating that all allegations were unfounded, not good enough, People will still be prevented from working with Children or young People, which is a violation of Civil liberties and Human Rights.
Many Parents have been vindicated, but have suffered from miscarriages of justice and forced adoption, via the Family Courts and such persons have lost their livelihood if they are Teachers or Carers.
Many individuals will be taking this trauma to their graves.
Baroness Morgan, declined a meeting with us, so we have had a meeting with John Hemming MP, who stated that such a cause, would be difficult to deal with and the challenge would be on a individual case basis, the Groups would have to get the detailed facts of such cases and present the documentation, through MPS, and their early morning motions, which will be a lengthy process, until somebody challenges the System, everybody will be looked upon with suspicion until approved by ISA.

Article Link: - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/matthew_parris/article6831413.ece

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