Dear Ms Stevens,
Health and Care Professions Council - Social Workers
Thank you for your e-mail of 16 September 2017.
Firstly, it may be helpful if I provide you with some background information on the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The HCPC is a statutory regulator whose primary purpose is to protect the public. We do this by keeping a Register of the members of 16 health and care professions, including Social Workers, who meet our standards for training, professional skills, behaviour and health. The professionals who are on our Register are known as ' registrants' .
It is a legal requirement under the Health and Social Work Professions Order 2001 (' Order' ) that individuals who wish to practise as a Social Worker be registered with the HCPC. In order to be registered and thus practise as a Social Worker, an individual must meet all of the standards and education and training requirement set out by the HCPC. If an individual does not satisfy our requirements, they will not be permitted to register or practise as a Social Worker. However the person may be permitted to work within the social work field provided they satisfy the requirements for their specific employment.
As the statutory regulator for Social Workers as well as 15 other health care professions, we only have the authority to investigate concerns regarding individual registrants. Therefore, if an individual is practising within the social work field but not specifically as a Social Worker, you can direct your concerns to their employer or you can seek the attention of the Care Quality Commissioner. Their details are as follows;Care Quality Commission
CQC National Customer Service Centre
City gate.
If you have a concern regarding a Social Worker, please complete the attached ' raising a concern' form and we will look into this further. I have also attached the ' raising a complaint' booklet which will provide you more information on the complaints procedure.
I hope that the above has answered your query.
If you would like to discuss the contents of this e-mail, please contact me on 020 7840 9814 or on Freephone (in the UK) 0800 328 4218.
Please quote the reference number at the top of this e-mail when contacting the Fitness to Practice Department.
Dear Sir, Madam,can you please clarify the situation related to the link below.Is it not protocol that all practicing Social Workers have a mandatory obligation to be registered with the HCPC?With regards to former, if this So called professional is not registered with his or hers Governing body HOW CAN THEY BE MADE ACCOUNTABLE FOR MALPRACTICE.Please can you clarify this issue as soon as possible, so that i ca\ notify my co workers at Parents Against Injustice as well as PAIN Service users.Kind Regards Alison Stevens Parents Against Injustice
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