And there is more. with regards to my previous blog.
Several months later my Family Member was rushed to Hospital with stroke like symptoms.
He also had two episodes of Sepsis . he is very lucky to still be alive.
He had been put on a DOLS again via the Care home.
I told Nurses that he should be still on a DOLS within the Hospital setting. but they refused and said because he was so ill that it would not be required.
My Family Member had swallowing problems caused by the stroke.
A swallowing assessment was carried out by the SALT Team.
He was to remain Nil by mouth and have a  naso gastric food fitted for feeding purposes.
Anyway he kept trying to pull the tube out .
I telephoned the DOLS team within the hospital and said that my husband should be on a DOLS because he had no mental capacity to make decisions about his Health and welfare.
With a lot of persuasion the Hospital contacted the LA and put in an application for another DOLS.
This time I got straight on to the LA and stated that I wanted to be made Relevant Persons Advocate with out the stress of fighting for my rights.
The Local Authority obliged with no problem.
My husband was still in hospital and was getting very agitated at times so they brought an agency Nurse to look after him on a one to one basis for each shift.
I went to see him one afternoon .on arrival the HCA just sat there watching me and said that it was her job to stay there with him while I was there.
She sat watching every move I made.
So I went straight to talk to the ward Manager and said while I was there the HCA should go for a break.
I just felt that they were scrutinising me.and as a nurse myself was not very happy.
One night my husband started to cry .which started me off.
I went and pulled the curtains round him.
The next thing a bolshy HCA came dashing in and said I had no right to pull the curtains round.
He then very rudely told me to shut up because my crying was upsetting my husband.
I said my husband was crying before he got there.
Anyway it was arranged that when anybody went to see my husband the one to one nurse would go for a break
But the whole scenario left me very very upsat and distressed and I really and truly did feel like a leper when visiting my own husband.
In this this time the LA behaved in the proper manner but I scrutinised everything and every bit of documentation I had from then.
Definitely put in a SAR Request when dealing with this kind of thing.
My husband is now home doing really well. 

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