PAIN is dealing with a Public Law Case in Coventry, where the Mother has been diagnosed with MSPP, by a Paediatrician that has never seen the Parents or Children.
A fortnight ago, the Family were at a wedding, when one of the Boys fell and injured his leg, resulting in a trip to Casualty, there was no apparent injury.
At Court on the following day, the Guardian, who had been informed of the Hospital visit, stated that the Mothers anxieties were having a detrimental effect on the Children and ordered the Judge to order that all Passports, should be handed over to the Court immediately and that a holiday to Egypt, that had been booked six months previously at a cost of £3000, would have to be cancelled.
The Judge then ordered the Guardian, to take three young Boys to the CAFCASS Offices in Coventry, to explain to them why their holiday was being cancelled, without a Family member being there.
The Parents were more or less put under house arrest, with a twice daily visit from Social Workers, until an emergency Family Court hearing a week later.
The Mothers only fault, she wasn't happy with several Consultants explanations, over one of her Sons Medical conditions and kept demanding different medical opinions, result Mother being diagnosed with a personality disorder.
The Children are being allowed to live at home on an Interim Care Order, the Local Authority are now demanding more medical tests on the Children.
If it wasn't for the professionalism of one of the Groups Children Panel Solicitor, these Children would have been placed with different Foster Carers ALL IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD, NO MENTION ABOUT THE CHILDREN MISSING THEIR HOLIDAY, AGAIN ALL IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD.

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