Social Workers think they have the right to act this way.
I am dealing with a case where a Child suffered from an unexplained fracture and the Social Worker said, I demand and will find out how this fracture occurred, in other words, somebody that thinks she is a Police Officer, a Paediatrician and Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon all in one.
In another case, a Child was handed over to the Local Authority, out of fear, that her son would kill himself and endanger the lives of others, he is a big tall 15 year old, that was violent to his Mother and was getting into the electrical circuits at night, the Social Worker insisted that the child’s bizarre behaviour was due to her poor Parenting skills and not autism, that he had been diagnosed with 3 years previous, a Social Worker that thinks she is a Psychologist, and Psychiatrist, this Single Mother wanted to get some respite care for her son, so she had to become involved with the Local Authority.
The Care Plan, stated that the Child was at risk, but in this case, she did the dreaded dead herself, by handing him over on a section 20 Order.
His bizarre behaviour has got worse while in Foster Care and this placement has broken down. the whole process has left Mum destitute, she has lost all income support, the child’s disability living allowance and is about to be thrown out of her flat, she got raped, in her flat, by somebody she had met the previous weekend and because her son was in bed, the Social Worker considered him to be at risk and that’s when they became heavy handed.
With another case I am dealing with A Paediatrician has diagnosed a Mother with MSBP, without even seeing the Parents or the Children involved, another so called expert that is not properly qualified to make such a diagnosis, this poor Family were ordered to hand over their Passports to the Family Court and the Holiday, they booked over a year ago had to be cancelled
The Family was more or less put under house arrest, with twice daily visits from Social Workers, until a urgent Court hearing a week later.
This Family have still got their Children at home, only with the professionalism, of the wonderful Children’s Panel Solicitors.
No Justice, you are a loving mum, fighting to keep your Children, if you went quiet with no fight, they would put that against you as well.
All the Guidelines that came out, with reference to the Cleveland Inquiry has stood, for nothing PAIN put documentation into this report and very little has changed since that time, when 200 Children were wrongly removed from their Parents, after Paediatrician Marietta Higgs gave conflicting medical evidence in the family court arena, to say all these Children had been sexually abused, later to be discredited by other Medics.
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