am writing with concern, about the Leicester Mercury's freedom of
information request, regarding the amount of children forcibly adopted
in Leicestershire within the last five years,and the alarmingly high
statistics of 500 children.
Under the Public Law Guidelines, Local Authority's have a mandatory
obligation to consider the kincare clause, by placing children with an
immediate family member like Grandparents, before a child is ever taken
into care, but in many cases this option is igmored,and many LAs would
rather place children with foster carers, costing the taxpayers
millions of pounds, some private fostering agencies are paying their
carers up to £800 a week for each child.
The present family court arena is in meltdown.

Parents are having babies taken from them within hours of birth, on emergency protection orders, by the evidence of the so called
medical experts, who give conflicting medical evidence,of which in many
cases leads to forced adoption,and gross miscarriage of Justice.
I have been campaigning with PAIN, since our formation in 1985, at the
time of Cleveland, when well over 200 children were wrongly taken into
care, by the evidence,and misleading information given by paediatrician
Dr Marietta Higgs, who stated that all children had been sexually
abused by their parents.
Her theory was later to be discredited by other profeshionals.
Too late for many families that had already been torn apart,
I feel the pain, heartache and trauma, that these poor individuals endure forever.
I know because it happened to me, the day they took my child and ruined my life forever.
We were lucky the powers to be backed down,and said that his leg fracture
could of been caused accidentally, he was returned to us after twelve
agonizing weeks, and was later diagnosed with brittle bone disease.
The secrecy of the family court and care proceedings continue, parents are
denied their rights under the data protection act to see copies of
their Social Services files, of which Local Authority's have a
mandatory obligation to comply with their request within 40 days,
Public Law Guidelines are disregarded on a daily basis by Social
Workers, some of.which could of saved Baby Peter,
If the present high instigation of care proceedings continues,and common
sense doesn't prevail, there will be many more families torn apart,and
will suffer gross miscarriages of justice, by a draconian system of
court secrecy.
Alison Stevens Parents Against Injustice.
10 Greensward
East Goscote

Value-forced adoption.

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