Statement to the Press on Coventry Case
On the 27th September 2010 Judge Bellamy sitting as a High Court Judge in Coventry in one of our care cases where we repesented the
mother of three young children made an order allowing the press to name
the local authority as Coventry City Council. They criticised their
actions in this case and ordered them to pay £100,000 to the Legal
Services Commission.
It has been reported in the media yesterday
that the head of social services of Coventry namely Colin Green has
formally apologised to the parents and their family for their mistakes
in this case.
Brendan Fleming principal of Brendan Fleming
Solicitors has today spoken to his client and her husband and this firm
wish to make it categorically clear and to set the record straight that
no such apology has been either offered or given verbally or in writing to this family or given to this firm Brendan Fleming's. Such misrepresentations by the Coventry City Council add only insult to injury for these parents.
local authority are also minimising their mistakes in this case
particularly with regards to this expert's report by stating that
others should have looked at the report and that they are also alleging
the parents agreed to the instructions of this expert in these
This again is another untruth. Mr. Brendan
Fleming personally appeared before the courts on behalf of the mother
and on numerous occasions and objected to the report as being too
expensive, unnecessary and a complete waste of time. Mr. Fleming and
the parents alos objected to the letter of instruction to this expert
and the expert himself.
The parents are furious with this local
authority and have instructed Brendan Fleming Solicitors to bring
proceedings against Coventry City Council to recover the parents'
expenses, loss of earnings and the cost of the holiday which they had
booked for themselves and their children which they were forced to
cancel by the local authority.
"An immediate written apology to
this family", said Mr Brendan Fleming today "sent directly to them or
to via my offices at 165 Newhall Street, Birmingham would be a first
step for this authority to recognise and to have insight into the
nightmare that they have put these parents and their children through."
local authority stands accused by these parents of minimising the
damage they have caused to this family and their children and have
demonstrated a complete lack of insight into how this case has affected
their lives.
This statement has been issued with the approval of
the parents and Brendan Fleming Solicitors contactable at 165 Newhall
Street, Birmingham. Direct line to Mr. Brendan Fleming is 07817001310
Some related news articles can be found here:
BBC News
The Independent
Solicitors Journal
Birmingham Post
Furthermore the parents in the case have asked to give the following response points:
"Response points to Colin Green press release. (in no particular order) from the parents in the case:
· We have not received an apology.
· We have chosen not to meet with Colin’s Lacky on their terms, on advice from solicitors.
· We did not agree the need for the medical report of M.
· We did not agree on their choice of expert.
· We did not agree the cost was necessary.
· We did not agree the letter of instruction.
· The conclusion of M’s report does not conclude that this is a case of FII (fabricated or induced illness)
· We also suggested that the notes that M would be relying on could be
indexed by another suitable party, improving accuracy and saving money.
We do not feel there was ever any effort from Coventry SS to support
the family or help their welfare. Nor did they attempt to keep the
family together as a unit, despite being offered options by the family.
The second time the SS attempted to remove the children, the people
that made the decision had not read the Independent Social Workers
report at all, other reports, or having spoken to the social workers
involved, but made their decision based only on a brief reading of the
report of Dr M. The admitted this on the stand in court.
D of Coventry Carers contacted Colin Green very early on in the case to
raise her concerns with him in person. So Colin Green was aware of the
case much earlier than he admits.
· All allegations of neglect were dropped by SS earlier in the high court case.
M’s initial report was based purely on the files of medical notes and
with no other source of information. By his own admission, many of this
note were difficult to read or illegible. He also recorded messages
passed between GP and clinics, as being presentations of the children
which they were not. Greatly increasing the apparent number of visits.
· The GP and hospital consultants that had seen and treated the children did not support the SS allegations."
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