Its been 7 years,3 months and 20 days since my 2 beautiful children were taken into care by Blackpool s s dept,initially it was an interim care order due to a supposed "neglect case" and they have never returned.We had an assessment a few years ago and all was going well until the sw at time told both children they would be returning home and then put the blame on us ,at the time we were enjoying unsupervised contact but since then have remained supervised at contacts.The ss have no intention of changing this and subsequently our youngest child has run away to come back to us,if thats not a cry for help i dont know what is? OURchildren were like 2 peas in a pod but after 1 year they were seperated and now live in different counties and hardly see each other.we only see them every 8 wks approx and cannot send any letters or cards or ring our daughter as the foster carers see this as an intrusion.We are scared about our daughter running away and are worried about her future.

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