I was told the other day by a PAIN client that her Social Worker had stated that our National Support Organization was one of those Social Services hate groups.
I can assure all these Professionals in the Country that the Group is there to advise Parents, about their rights, when involved in Care Proceedings,and Family Court hearings.,and are around to ensure that Family's are given the correct information, at a very traumatic time.
The Public Guidelines are disregarded every day within my caseload.
A Client told me that a Social Worker, had told her that she would not be able to attend a Child Protection Case Conference, i was absolutely astounded.
Parents Against Injustice, won the right for Parents to attend Case Conferences in the early 1990s,when the cause was put through MP's,and their Private Members Bills,
The former was mentioned to the Social Worker,and the next day, an invitation,dropped through the letter box.
I have campaigned for well over 23 years, at the time of Cleveland, the Organization, submitted Documentation into the Butler-Sloss inquiry, very little has changed since that time, Children are still being removed on Emergency Protection Orders, with very little evidence to support such drastic action, the Kincare clause is not usually an option, but under Guidelines, Children should be placed with an immediate Family Member like Grandparents.
I have sat ,and read the Governments New Task force,and the new way of training..
I have been saying for years that newly qualified staff, should not be put on front line Child Protection duties, for at least 9 months,and should be mentored until they have shown competence to practice safely, this project has been used by the Nursing Profession for many years..
Lets hope this new project , which will take ten years to become fully operational,and will change things for the better,and bring pride,and Public faith back into the profession.
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