Several Weeks ago, Junior Children's Minister Baroness Delyth Morgan, stated that Teachers or Youth Workers, that had unjustified allegations of Child Abuse, made against them,and had their names vindicated, would have all allegations removed from an enhanced CRB disclosure.
With that thought in mind, i thought the same should pertain, to any individual, who have had their names vindicated.
I wrote a letter to Baroness Morgan, requesting a meeting with her, to discus the Groups concerns.
Two Weeks later, a letter arrived from her Department, stating that all such allegations would remain on file, until the Person had retired, but a reference would be added to the documentation, saying that all allegations were unfounded,thus contradicting her previous statement.
The allegations will still prevent individuals from working with Children or young people for life, which is a violation of Human Rights,and civil liberties, not only have these profeshionals, lost their livelihoods, but have Child Protection issues,and Social Services involved, within their Family Unit.
Baroness Morgan, rejected a meeting with PAIN, and said that her diary was to full, i will be writing another letter, to the Right Honorable Lady, at a later date.
Last Year, Trevor Jones,and myself,and Margaret Gardener from FASO, had a very constructive meeting with Shadow Justice Minister David Burrows, within Parliament, with regards to the same subject,and have e mailed him, with no response.
Trevor, myself and Margaret Gardener from FASO,and members of FACT ,have a meeting in Birmingham on 4th September with John Hemming MP,and will be taking several Clients with us, to emphasize what kind of trauma, this has on a personal basis.
If our Case, was now, under the present climate, my Nursing career would be well and truly over.
The letters can be viewed by going to

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