Mainfesto club - Hi Josie

Never mind under 18's it should be for everyone.

FASO, Parents Against Injustice, members of False Allegations against Carers and Teachers are endeavouring to speak with Govmt on this issue. We have had one meeting with David Burrows Shadow Minister for Justice - but nothing further.

Liberty are only doing a little toward CRB issues, (I am also a member of Liberty so am interested in seeing a member of Liberty speaking in Leeds) - sorry I cannot get there from S.Wales.

We get a lot of callers at FASO of people who have had their charges dropped but still have those charges on the CRB which stops them doing either paid or voluntary work. Our youngest person is 14

But people will not stand up and be counted because of the trauma they then go through. We volunteers have to council those in this position, who often come to the verge of suicide and some we are counciling 5 years plus down the line.

Having the information on the crb also breaks up families with young children as social services count them guilty, despite the criminal system saying there are no charges - so they have to say goodbye to their young families and any other relationship they make who have young families. It also applies to any new children they have who would be put on the at risk register and the partner threatened if they didn't ditch the partner - the child/ren would be taken from the parent not accused.

What a society!!!!

Feel free to use this info - it would be ineresting to hear if the Liberty person has heard of our input, as I have input to Liberty AGM's for the past two years on this subject.

You are obviously considered a force to be reckoned with by being mentioned in the news media - I just wish they would acknowledge FASO information and start some investigations. We had 600 people call us in the past 3 months (telephone bill numbers) of the falsley accused of both family and criminal issues. We can only answer a fraction of these with the few volunteers we have.

keep going at least someone is getting somewhere.


False Allegation Support Organisation (FASO) Director

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