Alison J Stevens's Blog – April 2012 Archive (155)

'I never saw him observing parents with children': The woman who said she was forced to take babies from their mothers by the 'expert' who played God

'I never saw him observing parents with children': The woman who said she was forced to take babies from their mothers by the 'expert' who played God

  • Keira Roberts worked for Dr George Hibbert at Family Assessment Centre in Swindon
  • He set parents odd tasks, like changing a car tyre while caring for a child
  • Keira: 'We had to put only bad things in our reports'
  • Dr Hibbert made more than £40,000 a week



Added by Alison J Stevens on April 29, 2012 at 14:21 — No Comments

Parents take son to hospital for bump on the head and are stopped from seeing their kids alone for seven months following false abuse claims

Parents take son to hospital for bump on the head and are stopped from seeing their kids alone for seven months following false abuse claims

Chris and Julia Norton were ­interviewed by police and forced to sign over the ­children to Julia’s parents

Torn apart: Julia and Chris Norton who's son Harry age 2 has a brittle bone conditon Torn apart: Julia and Chris Norton who's son Harry age 2 has a brittle bone conditon
Sunday Mirror/Roland Leon

A couple were banned from being…


Added by Alison J Stevens on April 29, 2012 at 13:30 — No Comments


Added by Alison J Stevens on April 29, 2012 at 12:57 — No Comments

He’, 'she’ – it’s all the same to the family 'expert’

He’, 'she’ – it’s all the same to the family 'expert’

Two more glimpses into the surreal underworld of our 'child protection' system.

A mother's two young children were recently removed by social workers because she had once been involved with a violent partner - 'He’, 'she’ – it’s all the same to the family 'expert’
A psychologist's report commissioned by social workers referred to a mother as 'he' throughout Photo: ALAMY
Christopher Booker

Added by Alison J Stevens on April 28, 2012 at 20:55 — No Comments

Social workers in Baby P borough failed to save children from 'chronic neglect', report finds

Ten children suffered “chronic neglect” and appalling cruelty during seven years of abuse in the same borough as Baby P was killed, as the authorities failed to ensure they were protected, a report has found.

Baby Peter, who suffered more that 50 injuries in his short life, including a broken back, eight fractured ribs and 15 mouth wounds.
Peter's full name has been revealed as Peter Connelly 



Added by Alison J Stevens on April 28, 2012 at 16:24 — No Comments

New child scandal at Baby P council after 10 starving children covered in lice taken into care

New child scandal at Baby P council after 10 starving children covered in lice taken into care

  • Case presided over by shamed boss Sharon Shoesmith

By Kirsty Walker

PUBLISHED: 23:24, 27 April 2012 | UPDATED: 23:24, 27 April 2012


More scandal: Haringey council's former head of children's services Sharon Shoesmith (above), who was sacked over the Baby P case, presided over another child abuse crisis involving the neglect of ten youngsters

More scandal: Haringey council's former head of children's…


Added by Alison J Stevens on April 28, 2012 at 14:43 — No Comments


Hi All,


Again C4 are trying to cast the net wider in their investigations and would also be interested in talking to families whose children have been hurt, suffered abuse or mistreated in any way when they have been removed from their families into the care of SS. This care can either have been at the hands of foster carers or care homes.

We would hope to speak to those who have proof, through written documents, medical reports etc of this happening. 

Please contact me…


Added by Alison J Stevens on April 26, 2012 at 21:28 — No Comments

UK couple cleared of son’s murder calls for probe

UK couple cleared of son’s murder calls for probe


AP) — A young British couple has been reunited with their infant daughter after a long legal battle that dragged on even after they were cleared of murdering their 4-month-old son.

Rohan Wray and Chana Al-Alas



Added by Alison J Stevens on April 26, 2012 at 20:49 — No Comments

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