Alison J Stevens's Blog – September 2009 Archive (38)

where am i?

I am very sorry that i have not been around for over a week, due to illness, i have not been on line for six days,and have well over 400 e mails to get through, so unfortunately i will have to leave you all to debate again.
Kind regards Alison Stevens.

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 28, 2009 at 19:44 — No Comments

Timesonline Blog

When an expert witness is a Paediatrician and can make a diagnosis of MSBP, without seeing the Family or Children involved in the Care Proceedings, it just shows how Parents can experience miscarriages of Justice and forced adoption.

This professional is not adequately qualified to make such a diagnosis and if it wasn't for the expertise of our Clients Children Panel Solicitors, these three Children could be in three separate foster homes, siblings separated, all in the best interests of… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 28, 2009 at 19:31 — No Comments

Times Online Article

This is happening all over the Country, the Family Courts are in meltdown, due to the increase in Care Proceedings, which in some parts of the UK is by as much as 75%.

One Local Authority has decided to drop 500 cases, due to the inability to safeguard vulnerable Children, due to the increase in caseloads.

There is a five to six month wait in the West Midlands for Guardians to be appointed; Guardians should be appointed within a week, of entering the Family Court arena.

Cafcass… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 19, 2009 at 23:23 — No Comments


A PAIN Client has had less than 24 hours notice, to prepare for a Family Court hearing tomorrow in Northampton.

My client was e mailed this afternoon, and was informed that the hearing will be at 10am tomorrow.

The Judge knew that i was going to represent the Client, as an advocate, as the Lady has been representing herself.

24 hours notice is unacceptable, for us to get together,and submit a statement,and documentation about the criteria threshold,this is the second time in… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 17, 2009 at 23:16 — No Comments


It is nice to see that we have quite a few new members, to this site, especially from the USA.
A big welcome to you all, feel free to add your stories and comments, about the injustice of the secret Family Courts,and System abuse, an unfair and corrupt society, where Social Workers act as God,and seen to be beyond accountability,and the law, with perjury that is committed within the Family Courts, too legally steal our Children.
Kind regards Alison Stevens.

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 16, 2009 at 22:04 — No Comments

Wordpress Blog

There are already 17000, individuals wrongly registered by the Criminal Records Bureau, stated a recent Daily Telegraph Newspaper report.

PAIN has been campaigning for over a year now with regards to the injustice of some CRB disclosures.

In many Cases of alleged Child Abuse, Parents and Carers have their names vindicated, in some cases the Police and CPS, have no evidence, so cases are dropped, in a minority of cases Social Services decide to take no action.

Several months ago… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 15, 2009 at 22:22 — No Comments


Director of Children's Services Jill Baker has been suspended, pending inquiry, after a critical statement from an Ofsted inspection.

An on the spot inspection, during August, concerns listed was poor record keeping and delays in assessments, priority action, was called for because some case records, could not define whether Children were safe or not..

The chief executive of the City Council will appoint a Senior Officer, to investigate the situation, which will be an internal… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 15, 2009 at 21:10 — No Comments


I had the following e mail from care space.


Hi, i notice you have posted a couple of messages on care space, i need to point out that care space is a forum for Social Workers,and other Social Care profeshionals to share information, with each other, it is not an appropriate forum for outside the profession, to air grievances about Social Workers.

One of my comments was a reply to a Social Worker, that had been accused of abuse by Parents.

The blog… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 14, 2009 at 23:15 — 3 Comments

Please read this

eicestershire County Council v KC & Ors [2009] EWHC 1383 (Fam)

Judgment arising from fact finding in potential care proceedings.

The judgment concerns whether or not head injuries sustained by the 3 month old infant were a result of an accidental drop by the father or were non-accidental. Following the incident the parents had quickly attended hospital but over the subsequent few days were interviewed and then arrested by the police.

In this judgment Hogg J… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 13, 2009 at 18:41 — No Comments

Timesonline Article Blog

I have been campaigning with regards to the same issue for over a year now.

We all know Children need safeguarding from the likes of the Ian Huntley type, but the situation has gone to the extreme.

There are well over 17000 individuals that have been wrongly registered by the Criminal Records Bureau, stated in a recent article by the Daily Telegraph.

Baroness Morgan, Junior Children's Minister mentioned several months ago that Teachers or Youth Workers, that have had unfounded… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 13, 2009 at 17:40 — No Comments

Dailymail Article Blog

Another violation of Human Rights, it beggars belief, with how much power Social Services have in our lives.

They can take Babies away from Mothers, within hours of birth, on Emergency Protection Orders, with very little evidence to support such drastic action.

Vulnerable Children die, due to Local Authority failings and very few Social Workers are made accountable for shoddy practice.

And now a lovely Young couple want to marry and are being denied their happy day.

My… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 12, 2009 at 22:20 — No Comments

Data Protection letter - Follow up request - Copy & paste to word



CC Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Dear Sirs

Formal request for information held under the data protection act 1998

I formally requested information held about my children, family and me under section 7(1) C of the data protections act… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 12, 2009 at 20:03 — 3 Comments

Data Protection letter - 1st request doc - copy & paste to word.



CC Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Dear Sirs

Formal request for information held under the data protection act 1998

I am requesting information held about my children, family and me under section 7(1) C of the data… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 12, 2009 at 20:00 — 1 Comment


Salford City Council Social Services Department have failed their on the spot Ofsted inspection.

The main concern was the Local Authority's ability to safeguard Children.

Other concerns were a delay in assessments, a visit by Ofsted in August revealed a delay in initial and core assessments and managing and priority rising of new cases.

In the cases of five Children, the record keeping was so poor that, they were unable to disclose, what action was taken in regards to these… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 12, 2009 at 17:00 — No Comments


Surrey County Council Social Services Department have dropped 500 cases, so that Social Workers can concentrate on protecting vulnerable Children.

The question is should these cases have been instigated in the first place, costing millions of pounds at the taxpayers expense, it costs Local Authority's up to £4000, to instigate the former, prior to April 1st April 2008, the cost was £150?

Director of Children's Services Andy Roberts said that the large case number was put down to the… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 12, 2009 at 16:30 — 1 Comment

Independent Blog

The total Local Authority's, that are failing with reference to their on the spot Ofsted inspections is now 21, with many more to come?

The three Social Services Departments in this report reveal grave concerns, from the basic updating of IT equipment and the failure of recording of such data on computer.

If the basic data base is not working properly, i hold very little hope, for the protection of vulnerable Children of this Country, especially to Children, that have their names on… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 10, 2009 at 21:32 — No Comments


I dedicate this site to Sue Amphlett, Colin Paterson,and Children's Panel Solicitor, John Atkinson, without their help and professionalism,we wouldn't be Grandparents today, to a beautiful little Girl Hollie Jade.

These wonderful People helped in our successful fight to get our Son returned, after he was wrongly taken into Care in 1986.

I would also like to thank my wonderful team at PAIN, Chris Smith,and Clare, for their continuing support, with reference to the maintenance and… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 10, 2009 at 20:48 — No Comments


Rotherham, Calderdale,and North Yorkshire, have failed with reference to their on the spot inspections by Ofsted.

Rotherham, have failed on a wide range of projects,which fails within their duties to protect vulnerable Children, it was also mentioned that the Local Authority's IT,and data was not up to date,and Staff had difficulties transferring case files onto computer.

Within Calderdale, some case work was not dealt with properly, and investigations involving Social Workers and the… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 10, 2009 at 20:19 — No Comments


I have heard this evening that our well respected colleague of many years, Charles Pragnell is ill.
Charles we all wish you a speedy recovery,and we will be receiving your circulars very soon, i miss all the interesting articles.
I am sure all our members on here, wish you a very large GET WELL SOON.
Kind regards Trevor Jones, Alison Stevens, Richard,and Yvonne, and all..

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 9, 2009 at 22:54 — 1 Comment


I applaud, BASW, Chief executive Hilton Dawson, with reference to Martin Nareys comments in the Observer Newspaper, about taking more Babies into care at birth, the situation within the Family Courts at the moment is dire, with a waiting list for Guardians in some parts of the Country, is five months, which is leaving Children at risk of abuse, or even death and in the majority of cases, innocent Parents being apart from their Children, for a longer timescale.

Social Services, have enough… Continue

Added by Alison J Stevens on September 9, 2009 at 22:31 — No Comments

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